Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Obama on the American Flag?

Apparently Barack Hussein Obama is still the Messiah for some people. A story I read recently on Fox News discussed the display by the Lake County, Florida Democratic Party of an offensive version of the American flag. What's worse than the fact that someone has the irreverence and disregard for our country's flag to create something like this is the idea that someone would actually publicly display it.

Well, if the Democrats or anyone else wants to display a fla
g with Barack Obama's picture on it, I've come up with a couple of editions they can use that will allow them to reverence their fearless leader without insulting those who have and are still fighting for freedom and conscience in the United States.

Here you go guys:

This flag can be used for those who'd like to celebrate Obama's contributions and concessions to Iran.

This version is for those who want to celebrate the endearing friendship of Obama with Hugo Chavez.

Other versions will be made available by request.

Some Context for What You Read Here

Whenever someone shares opinions, especially about important topics for which there are deeply contrasting views in society, it's important to know the foundation of that person's perspectives. For that reason, I have provided a category on this blog called Premises. Listed under Premises are some explanations of my background, including my religion, which forms the foundation of my moral and political principles.